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Tips to Avoid Content Plagiarism- Straight from SMO Experts

Tips to Avoid Content Plagiarism Straight from SMO Experts ft

“Is it so hard to be real?” This is the question that most genuine creators ask when they see their works being copied or quoted without being credited for. These notorious activities are broadly referred as plagiarism and those who commit this crime should be severely punished. Off late there are numerous issues of cyber plagiarism where contents, images and other digitally published data are being used by anyone and everyone without paying due credits to the creator. The social media optimization experts are those who handle social media and World Wide Web for their product awareness and brand building. These experts are also experts in identifying content plagiarism. Here are few tips from these experts on how to avoid content plagiarism and make one’s business website the top ranked in searches

Originality wins

A content creator’s biggest asset is his originality. The subtle variations from one write up to another, the wise use of grammar, the creativity unleashed are his or her plus points. Even in crisis situation one must stick to their original creativity and style. This makes the content qualitatively best forever.

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Title Credits

If one is writing a testimonial or a research paper, it is mandatory to include references or title credits to any literature included. But in a normal blog write up, if the author wishes to quote any other content, it should be included within quotation marks and due credits must be given at the end. This way the work will not be pooled under plagiarized content.

The art of paraphrasing

Wren and Martin’s Grammar Book– the Gospel of Grammar; defines that the verb paraphrasing is rewriting a sentence with the same meaning as the original with zero deviation. If one prefers to use a line from an earlier write up and he is not allowed to quote or add title credits then paraphrasing is the ideal way. This way neither the meaning is lost nor the content will be termed as duplicate.

Use the tools

One of the best ways to curb content plagiarism is to cross check the write up with an automated plagiarism detection tool. It points out all the vulnerabilities and corrections in advance so that one can make their content unique and unadulterated. Some tools are available for free while some charge a fixed fee. In either ways, these tools are a must for a content developer as using these he or she can save skin without even a small accusation of copying.

Content creators have the social responsibility for creating some of the finest contents with true and valid information from the limited source. They are bound to research online and refer to numerous reference websites for data. While reading plenty of write up’s, it is natural that they might unknowingly pick a few favorite phrases that could reflect directly in their write up. Hence it is always worthy to write first, proof read that includes grammar check and plagiarism check before producing their work to the website developers. This way the time, energy and effort of both content developers and the website owners are saved. On the whole, instead of content duplication creators must concentrate on developing qualitative and quantitative contents always!